"The key here is to make the offer so compelling that it’s literally irresistible to the prospect. In fact, you want them to be thinking to themselves that they would have to be an absolute fool to NOT take your offer."
Let’s face it. The major hot button for most small businesses these days is the ability to generate leads. All small businesses want more leads, but few of them know how to successfully attract customers to their business.
We discuss 2 lead-conversion strategies… Downselling is nothing more than offering a prospect an alternative at a lower price when they decline your original offer. Less than 1% of prospects are NOW buyers. 99% are NOT ready to purchase that day. Drip Campaigns are your answer.
Upselling means offering a higher grade or quality or size of the item that the customer may be interested in at the point when the customer is ready to buy. Cross-selling means offering other products or services which complement the item the customer is interested in.
Getting higher prices for what you sell. I like to use a “bundling” strategy here. Bundling is simply the process of grouping together certain products to create 'packages' which are then sold to clients.
Obviously, there are 2 major ways to increase your overall profitability… increase revenue or decrease your costs of doing business. Most small businesses have NEVER raised their prices. We discuss this with numbers in the book.
JV’s involve two or more businesses who decide to form a partnership to share markets or endorse a specific product or service to their customer base… usually under a revenue share arrangement. The key to creating successful joint ventures is to find partners who service the exact same type of clients that need or want what you sell.
My Strategic Sales and Marketing Secrets Books gives you all of the information I use with my High End Coaching Clients -FOR FREE!
Daron Stenvold
My goal is straightforward… to help serious business owners generate more clients, close more sales and increase their overall revenue and profits… quickly and inexpensively.
If you’re interested in adding an extra $500,000 to your bottom-line revenue over the next 12 months… without selling more time for money… then I can help you.
I specialize in sales and marketing for small business owners. Over the years, I’ve developed a keen understanding of the complex issues facing small business owners in the type of volatile economy we have today.
My team has spent more than 10 years and $2 million dollars developing the world’s first E-Learning Marketing System – currently being used by more than 5000 small business clients in 50 countries around the world to grow their business to multimillion-dollar status and beyond.
It’s considered by many of the world’s top business professionals to be the most powerful client attraction program available anywhere today.
In addition, my team has developed numerous training programs for business owners who prefer a do-it-yourself model. Each video lesson provides a step-by-step approach that enables any business to instantly produce more leads, close more sales and see a dramatic increase in revenue and profits.
My Business Growth model is perfectly positioned to help business owners realize their dream of creating their own multimillion-dollar business that feeds their passion to achieve personal, financial and professional freedom.